The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Anger of God / James 5:1-6

Pastor Mark Bergin

Anger is the first reaction to injustice for all who care, especially God. God cares for his creation more than anyone. And so he is more angry at injustice than anyone. In the opening passages of chapter 5, James takes on the persona of an Old Testament prophet, embodying the hot fury of God against oppression. To witness this anger of God is unnerving. But it also should comfort us. God sees the injustice of this world. And he cares more than we do. Yet, God has very different plans for his anger than we do for our own. So he invites us to care about injustice as much as he does, yes. And he invites us to express anger over it, yes. Then, the invitation turns: “Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord.”