The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Judge Who Saves/ James 4:11-12

Pastor Mark Bergin

God gave us his law, because we were lost in our own visions of right and wrong. He gave it to show us true righteousness, his righteousness. But rather than obey his law, we have wielded it as a weapon against each other. We have used it to condemn our neighbor. What a dead end this is! When the law is wielded to condemn, it condemns us all. This is why James tells us that there is only one judge capable of handling the law and that is the lawgiver himself. He alone uses the law not to condemn but to reveal. In the hands of God, the law shows us our brokenness and points us toward a new way of life. In the hands of God, the law is not a weapon but a scalpel. For he is the judge who saves.