The Painted Door Church - Chicago
The Painted Door Church is church family that gathers in Chicago, IL. We are a people who share the same story; we are sinner, saved by grace. We draw our name from the Exodus account in the Hebrew Scriptures, when God spared his people from judgement, passing over all homes that had the blood of a spotless lamb painted across their doorways. Jesus is the new spotless lamb, his death on a Roman cross sparing the people of God from judgment once for all. He reconnects us to our Maker and to each other and invites us to participate in his grand work of restoring all things.
The Painted Door Church - Chicago
Made Lord, Made Christ / Acts 2:36-39
Pastor Mark Bergin
The Apostle Peter knew what it was to betray Jesus. He denied the Lord three times in an attempt to save himself from the agony of the cross. But after Jesus died and rose, Peter was filled an other-wordly courage. For he saw not only that Jesus is the Christ, but also that he is the sort of Christ who rules all things. He saw that he is Lord even over the grave. And what fear can remain in service to a Lord such as this? What resistance would keep us from following him? Only the blind folly of calling ourselves lords and seeking our own salvation as if we were Christ.