The Painted Door Church - Chicago

Where Righteousness Dwells/ 2 Peter 3:11-13

The Painted Door Church - Pastor Mark Bergin

In our present age, all people are infected with an insatiable desire to be right and feel wronged. And so we labor to prove that our way of life is right and that we are victims of those whose way is wrong. We believe that if we succeed in proving this to the world, to our communities, to ourselves, then we will be at peace. But our efforts are misdirected. Because proving our own righteousness is a fool’s errand. We have no righteousness in us. Jesus told us, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Where will this satisfaction come from? What is the true longing of our hearts? It is for righteousness to reign. For the heavens and the earth and every force of the air and every creature of the dust to bow before it. We were not made to rest in the rightness of ourselves or to be consumed with solving our wrongness. We were made to rest in the righteousness of God. To bow before him. To live in his kingdom, under the reign of his Son, where righteousness dwells. This is the true and deepest longing of every human heart. It is our great hope. And it will be our eternal delight.