The Painted Door Church - Chicago

The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ/ Philippians 3:8-11

The Painted Door Church - Pastor Mark Bergin

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? What does it profit a woman to have reputation and family and health and forfeit her very purpose of being? What does it profit anyone to gain anything if they do not gain Christ? Riches, relationships, success, vitality, they are all nothing compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. We were made to know this Christ. And to be known by him. Everything in this world is only here so that we would know Christ. Everything we are is designed for union with him, to be married to him, to love him, to be loved by him. He is every treasure you have ever chased. He is the only light you have ever needed. He is always worth losing everything for. Because he is more worthy than all  things combined. He is what you long for. He is life itself. And we belong to him.